In this installment of the cheesiest podcast there is, Kirk and Daine (and Cheeseboy Zach) muenster up the courage to try some cheeses they've always been leery of!
Before that, our delightful cheesecasters discuss a heaping CostCo Mac and Cheese bucket-sized pile of cheese news, along with a little research on cheese and mortality rates from Cheeseboy Zach.
As always, thanks to the Fabulous Sam and her amazing iPad and to Cheeseboy Zach for his research!
Remember, you can always find The Cheesecast online at, on Facebook @cheesecastpodcast and on Twitter and Instagram @cast_cheese!
Cheese News
Cheesy Museum Exhibit
Go London // The Guardian // Fruit Salami & Insect Pate // Coffee Ground Mushrooms Natural Way Cheese Opens in Clare The Morning Sun FDA's Cheese Identity Regulations We Eat a Lot of Cheese Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin "Cheese-stuffed Hand Pies with Cheese Crust is Cheese Plus Cheese Times Cheese" The Takeout Cheese Tea (Gross) Eater Interior-Ripened Cheese The Guardian Washed-Curd Cheese Cheese Society Making Washed-Curd Cheese Cheese Forum